Big updates coming to all of you:
I just published the new Official Specifications of the Bodynodes Development Environment version 1.0
I know, it is a long sentence. But what it means is that we all have an specified environment where we can easily develop together. And it is all open source.
Do you want to build your own sensors? go for it!
Do you want to make your own game using Bodynodes? Just download the library and import it in your code.
This Specification is here to make collaborations easy. It also sets the correct boundaries for licensing. If you use any of the code/libraries provided by Bodynodes you only need to keep the LICENSE file around and you are good.
If you have been following us for a while you'll probably notice that this release only covers Wifi. Before we covered BLE and Serial communications. The reason is that Wifi is just easier to handle. Other communication protocols need more work on my part to support them. And this is time that I cannot really provide for now. BLE and Serial are somehow still covered by Bodynodes, but only for Production Enviroments, not for Development. Reason being that this work has to be paid, it is just to difficult to work on these technologies at the moment.
The big change in Development Specification 1.0 is that only JSON Messages and JSON Actions are exchanged between Hosts and Nodes. This simplifies by orders of magnitude the management of the data. You just wait for the input string to arrive from the port and parse it directly. The the content of the message or action can be easily accessed with the JSON.
These are other changes:
Adding new Actions:
Adding new Sensor Type:
Additionally the specificiations on how to configure the axis of the sensors are also provided. These are particularly important to setup the output values of your bodynode as expected from the Bodynodes System. If you provide the angles in a different order the application will still use the data, but it won't act as expected. Imagine a 3D game, the main character might move in not expected ways.
This was all for today! If you have any questions just put a comment below and I will answer. Have an amazing day,