Ever wondered how a bodynodes is made? Here it is:
Recently I started working in reworking the bodynodes to be easier to use and build. I decided to redesign the bodynode so that it is made of 3 modules:
Support module
Battery module
Board module (with the communication board and the sensor)
and make these parts easily be exchanged with each other. So if any of the modules breaks it is not going to be a big deal anymore. I can change the module easily and then fix the broken part later.
Or imagine that the support does not fit? Before I had to come up with weird way or taking another bodynode, reprogram it, and hopefully it would work. Now I only need to take the Board module out and move it on a better support. Easy!
In the video you can see me taking the old nodes, dismount them, to then build the new ones. I do my soldering and glue all the pieces so that they fit. The video in itself is like 10 minutes long but it was speed up of 15 times. The whole process took approximately 2 hours and half.
I hope you enjoyed the video. Now you know these things were made! See you soon Manuel